Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Africa in the News: "Sudan vote 'held up by donors'"

The south Sudan referendum commission has reached a major milestone towards the impending January referendum for southern succession. This week marks the beginning of registration for voters in the south. The registration is scheduled to take place between 15 November and 1 December and will operate from 3,000 sites across Sudan and in 8 additional countries (Australia, Canada, Egypt, Ethiopia, Kenya, Uganda, the United Kingdom and the United States).[i] United Nations (UN) and European Union (EU) panels have also arrived in Sudan to monitor the endeavor.

While the procedures of the vote are being carried out as planned and on time there has been some criticism from the commission towards international aid groups in reference to funding the referendum. While Sudan’s law requires that all funds be given to the commission which governs it many international groups are refusing to pay directly. For instance, the US Agency for International Development (USAID) has “budgeted up to $50 million to help stage the referendum” but will not release any funds directly to the commission. Rather, USAID and other agencies like it are offering assistance in the form of grants and foreign contractors. The chairman of the commission in Sudan, Mohamed Ibrahim Khalil, described the aid which has been offered as patronizing: “They give us finished goods, materials just as you cater for a minor. You don't give a minor cash in case they should misuse it but give them finished goods and services which, incidentally, we resent.”[ii]

Beyond some funding disturbances there are still major issues to be settled before succession were to occur. These include the ever present issues of “border demarcation, issues of citizenship, [and] issues of how to share the oil wealth.” There is also a genuine threat of violence or all out war if the vote isn’t carried out transparently, efficiently, and appropriately. Despite concerns and complications, preparations for the vote have gone forward without major stalemate or violence. The advent of voter registration is encouraging and substantial progress to settle a bitter dispute in a peaceful and democratic manner.


1. Do you think aid agencies should give funds for the referendum directly to Sudan’s commission? What is the danger in this? What are the benefits?

2. How can international agencies ensure that the proper procedures are met in Sudan? Is funding the effort best? What about election observers? What is best to leave to the Sudanese?

3. Can you think of some complications of voter registration in Sudan? What might be more difficult about this than something similar in the United States? What might be easier?


An article from Voice of America, “Voter Registration Begins in Sudan”:

A video from Maxims News Network on the voter registration in Sudan:

An article from the Sudan Tribune “Conflicting reports on readiness for voter registration in Jonglei state”:

[i] “Sudan: UN Panel Monitoring Referenda Arrives on Eve of Voter Registration.” All Africa. 14 Nov 2010. .

[ii] “Sudan vote 'held up by donors.'” Al Jazeera English. 15 Nov 2010. .

Monday, November 15, 2010

Africa in the News: "Mobile Phones 'Powerful' in Promoting Health, Advocates Say"

All Africa: "Mobile Phones 'Powerful' in Promoting Health, Advocates Say"

This week in Washington policy, health, telecommunication and development representatives have gathered to draft strategies to improve healthcare systems through mobile technology in developed and developing communities alike. The “mHealth Summit” is designed to “advance the discussion around ways mobile technology can increase the access, efficiency and effectiveness of health systems.” While basic needs, like those outlined in the UN Millennium Development Goals, are still waiting to be realized in many parts of the world new, creative solutions are required in order to meet them.

As mobile phone use is dramatically increasing across Africa the potential to use these resources to increase the efficiency of health care systems is remarkable. In fact of the “five billion subscribers today, almost 70 percent of them are in the developing world.” These devices are a reliable resource to send information, in some cases medicinal, from remote areas previously disconnected from available resources. For example, one village could immediately notify another when health care professionals or medical supplies are nearby.

Mobile technology initiatives have already proven to be successful in increasing the efficiency of healthcare in Africa. In Uganda, mobile phones have dramatically reduced the diagnosis time for HIV positive infants from three months to two weeks. Local clinics in isolated areas can send blood samples to hospitals which test the sample and return the results via SMS. This allows the children to begin treatment much sooner and greatly increases their chances of survival. As a result “the number of HIV-positive infants receiving treatment has more than doubled, from 40 per cent to more than 90 per cent in the last two years.”[1]


1. Can you think of other types of aid that could be enhanced through the use of mobile devices?

2. Are there any concerns with the use of mobile devices for healthcare? What about patient privacy or the accuracy of information passed through a cell phone? How could these concerns be overcome?


An article from the Center for International Health and Development at Boston University titled “Can the ubiquitous power of mobile phones be used to improve health outcomes in developing countries?”:

An article from aidsmap entitled “Mobile phone messages improve adherence and HIV control in Kenyan trial”:

An article from Smart Planet entitled “Bill Gates: mobile health technology will save lives, help overpopulation”:

A video from CNN titled “Cell phones save lives in Rwandan villages” :

[1] Nakkazi, Esther. "Mobile Technology Doubles HIV Treatment Rate in Babies." SciDev.Net. 1 Nov. 2010. .

Friday, November 12, 2010

Africa in the News: "Guineans cast ballots in presidential poll"

CNN: "Guineans cast ballots in presidential poll"

Sunday, November 7, 2011 marks Guinea’s first free and fair presidential elections since the country gained its independence 52 years ago. This is the first election to move the country from military rule to democratic governance and is a major milestone for the region of West Africa. This election follows the primary elections last June in what was called “the nation's most credible and democratic election ever.” The results of the June poll allowed opposition leader, Alpha Conde, and former prime minister, Cellow Dalein Diallo, to compete in Sunday’s runoff. Reports indicate that the election was a close race but generally transparent, peaceful, and technically sound.

While both parties seemed satisfied with the elections it was not without its complications. Diallo, the front runner, noted that his coalition was short on representatives to monitor the voting in some regions due to displaced supporters fleeing recent ethnic and political unrest. At least 2,800 people have been displaced since election proceedings began, however local officials of Diallo’s coalition claim the number is more likely between 15,000 and 20,000. The people who fled potential violence said they had been “threatened with death by the towns' residents if they did not leave before the election.” Although Guinea has not seen significant politically motivated violence yet, the threat of an outbreak is sincere. However, many are optimistic of a peaceful transfer of power. The end result will depend on how the candidates decide to mobilize their supporters after the results of the election are announced.

Despite the threat of violence, Guinea’s successful execution of last Sunday’s election is a constructive democratic development for the country and the region. It has set the stage for future elections and the democratic notion that “those who govern are accountable to those they govern” has entered the mind frame of the general public. If the transfer of power is peacefully executed it has the potential to provide political stability, allowing for greater foreign investment, international aid, and in turn, economic development.


1. What do you think is the best way to ensure the transfer of power in Guinea happens peacefully? Do you think the AU, UN or other international agencies should get involved? Or do you think this should be up to the Guineans?

2. Do you think the act of voting has democratic value in itself? Does it change the way people thing about government? Do you think the influence is the same if the election results are not (or perceived not to be) accepted by the leadership?

3. Do you believe democratic principles, human rights, civil rights, etc. are more or less important that stability? When is one more important than the other? Why?


An Al Jazeera (English) article on the Elections:

An article from UN Dispatch:

A video entitled ‘Guinea Election Preview’ by TV2Africa:

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Africa in the News: "'Postponement of Abyei Referendum is Undesirable But May Be Unavoidable' – RVI"

Sudan Tribune (Paris): "'Postponement of Abyei Referendum is Undesirable But May Be Unavoidable' – RVI"

Speculation that Sudan’s January referendum that will decide if the northern and southern regions will split into two autonomous states or remain as one will be delayed in the Abyei border region has continued to mount following a local non-profit report. The Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) which ended Sudan’s civil war 20 years ago and provides guidelines for the referendum requires a separate vote for the people of Abyei to decide if they would be absorbed into the Northern or Southern regions in the event of a split. Although the referendum is expected to be held on time in the rest of Sudan, several key issues have yet to be negotiated for the preparations of the referendum in Abyei to move forward.

Despite the ever nearing date of the referendum, negotiations to resolve outstanding issues over the Abyei region have remained in a stalemate. The most contemptuous issues include “north-south boundary demarcation, the appointment of members of the referendum commission, the question of voter eligibility and residency and issues of public security.” As a result, no necessary procedures for the referendum, such as voter registration, have begun with just over a couple of months before voting day. Even if the disputed subjects were to be agreed upon today, there is little hope that the legal requirements for a vote to take place would be met in time. The report concluded that the “postponement of the Abyei referendum is undesirable but may be unavoidable.” However, the parties have made clear that the rest of Sudan will carry out the vote on January 11.

Several proposals have been made to resolve the disputes and move preparations for the Abeyi vote along even if it does not occur in January. The Sudan People's Liberation Movement (SPLM) of the south has suggested that they hold the Abyei vote independently of the National Congress Party (NCP) in the north following the initial referendum. However, many have argued that any vote independent of Sudan’s current ruling party would not only violate the CPA but “would be unlikely to gain full international recognition or promote national consensus.” Others have suggested that the Abeyi region be split into two, half going to the north and half going to the south. However, border demarcation and citizenship issues have proven impasses for successful negotiation.

If the referendum may indeed be delayed in Abyei the complications may not be. After the referendum has been completed and the dust has settled, outstanding issues such as citizenship and the sharing oil revenues must still be addressed. The stakes in this region are so high that without successful negotiation unresolved conflicts could trigger another civil war. It is the responsibility of the NCP, SPLM and the international community to ensure that something is applied to deter this harrowing possibility. However, the success of the CPA and preparations for the larger referendum to date should be encouraging for the possibility that there is still time for a ‘political fix.’


1. Do you think Sudan’s referendum in the Northern and Southern regions will carry on without Abyei’s? What would be the consequence?

2. Do you believe the despites over Abyei will be ever be resolved? What could the USA and the international community do to ensure that it is done peacefully?

3. Of the potential solutions listed here, which do you think might be best? Can you think of a solution both the SPLM and the NCP would agree on?


A ‘Guide to Abyei’s Referendum’ from IRIN News:

A series of posts on the Abyei referendum from The Enough Project:

A video and article on the Abyei referendum from France 24 (in English):

A video clip of John Prendergast and George Clooney speaking on Abyei at the Council on Foreign Relations:

Monday, November 8, 2010

Africa in the News: "Free Newspaper Makes Headlines"

The latest newspaper in Mozambique is printing nearly 10 times as many copies previous papers – and it’s free. The model behind the newspaper is nothing new, like many websites or basic cable, the organization is making money from advertisers, not readers. Erik Charas, the publisher of Verdade (or ‘truth’), says he’s not a newspaper man, but a social entrepreneur who hopes to encourage knowledge and ambition throughout Mozambique with this latest business venture.

Although his readership is primarily low income, Charas says they still have a lot of buying power. He explains that his readers could use the dollar they would have spent on the newspaper and buy a coke or airtime for their cell phones. Companies wishing to advertise such products and services could stand to gain quite a bit from this previously untapped audience. Charas explains the value of a free paper beyond access to information for readers as well - “you don’t have to make a choice feed your brains or feed your stomach, ultimately you have been empowered because your dollar counts.” The advertisers hope the readers will choose to make that dollar count towards their bottom line.

However this newspaper has much more to offer than advertisements and financial empowerment. Beyond the desire to give low-income Mozambicans access to knowledge, Charas explains that his wish is to “build ambition” through his newspaper. He hopes the newspaper will do this by opening “a window to another world” for its readers by exposing them to luxury items like the i-phone or BMWs. The idea is that when people want more out of their own lives they will want more out of their country as well. Through this desire Charas hopes that Mozambicans will demand better government, social services, businesses and jobs.

The effect of the newspaper on the public can already been seen – “in the districts and regions where Verdade is distributed, there was a proven link between reading the newspaper and increased political involvement.” For instance, these regions saw a higher percentage of the population vote, especially women. With these social benefits, not to mention a business model which has been posting profits in one of the poorest countries in the world, it certainly seems to be beneficial for all actors involved.


1. Do you believe developing the media, and its autonomy, in Africa is important to influence more transparent governing? What might be at risk when access to information is not widely available?

2. Do you believe access to information is a human right? Should governments, aid organizations, etc. work to provide free access to information where it is not available? Who might be primarily responsible for providing this?


UNESCO’s Page on Information and Communication Technologies:

Findings and Plan of Action from the Carter Center’s Right of Access to Information in Africa:

The Verdade Website (in Portuguese):

Friday, November 5, 2010

Africa in the News: "UN-Backed Polio Campaign to Reach 72 Million African Children"

UN News Service: "UN-Backed Polio Campaign to Reach 72 Million African Children"

Although the incidences of polio have dramatically increased in Africa, as in the rest of the world, since the discovery of its vaccine in 1952 the eradication of the disease is not complete. In 2009, the disease spread from Nigeria, the only African country to never have stopped polio transmission, across 24 countries highlighting the importance of complete eradication throughout the world. Now 15 African countries are engaging in what is hopefully the final push to rid the continent of the disease.

The disease has no cure, can be fatal, but takes only two drops of an oral vaccine to prevent. The current $43 million UN backed effort will deploy 300,000 health workers in October and November with the goal to vaccinate 72 million children under 5 years old in high risk areas. The health workers will set up both fixed immunization posts and house to house vaccination teams travelling by car, foot, or boat to reach more remote areas. Just last week Nigeria, African’s epicenter of polio transmission, immunized almost 30 million children last week alone. Similar operations are taking place in Sudan, Burkina Faso, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, and Mali among 10 others.

The UN has described the effort of African leaders to combat polio as “unprecedented cooperation and commitment.” The success of this program has shown the importance of cooperation from all actors in humanitarian efforts. Luis G. Sambo, African Regional Director for the UN World Health Organization highlighted that for public health initiatives such as eradicating polio, “essential government support can make the difference between success and failure.” Due to the effort, outbreaks of the disease have slowed tremendously, only Liberia, Mali and Uganda recording new cases and Nigeria reducing the prevalence by 98 percent in the past year. As said by Gianfranco Rotigliano, UNICEF's Regional Director for West and Central Africa, "political leaders across Africa answered the challenge posed by this dreadful disease and the results are before us.”


1. What do you think are the principle reasons polio has been eradicated in the United States and not in Nigeria? What would change this reality?

2. What lessons could we learn from the successful cooperation of this initiative?

3. Why do you think it might be easier for governments, aid organizations, etc. to carry out this program than other health, development, or educational programs?


A video on polio immunization in Africa:

The WHO report of current immunization efforts:

‘Fast Facts’ on polio in Sub-Saharan Africa:

A Wall Street Jornal Article titled “Bill Gates Revamps His War on Polio”:

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Africa in the News: "Ethiopia: First Ever Carbon Credit Trade"

Addis Fortune (Addis Ababa): "Ethiopia: First Ever Carbon Credit Trade"

The World Bank recently bought the Ethiopia’s first ever carbon credit for $34,000 from the Humbo Community Based Forest Management Project. The deal was introduced by World Vision Ethiopia to try to shift the communities surrounding the Humbo forest from cutting trees for subsistence to profiting from its preservation. The World Bank has pledged to invest $726,000 in carbon credits from the project in the next 10 years.

This project is an example of one type of carbon trading and the “first large-scale forestry project in Africa to be registered by the United Nations (UN) under the Clean Development Mechanism of the Kyoto Protocol.” The idea behind this type of carbon trading is to offset the emissions from the developed world, by creating incentives to preserve forests which absorb carbon in the developing world. Currently these carbon credits are bought and sold voluntarily, as is the case for this project.

The $34,000 spent by the World Bank will be divided between the 800 members of the project’s cooperatives. This is said allow the local communities to preserve the forest without financial burden to themselves. The money will also provide “100,000 cooking stoves” not only a humanitarian accomplishment, but also “could reduce carbon dioxide emissions by up to 60 percent.” The project is also supplementing income lost by cutting a portion of the trees in 10 years, selling the firewood and sharing the revenues, and also allowing new shoots to grow.

As a result of this project, the Humbo forest is estimated to absorb 330,000 tons of carbon in the next ten years. Locally, the preservation of the forest will “recharge ground water; improve biodiversity; and reduce soil erosion, flooding, and drought.” The success of this project and others like it may be indicative of a growing trend in Africa to profit from preserving rather than extracting, and ultimately degrading, resources from the environment.


A short film explaining Carbon Credits:

An article from Reuters about carbon trading and forests in Africa:

An article about Carbon trading with Kenya:

The African Carbon Credit Exchange Website:

A video on carbon trading in Africa:


1. Do you think this arrangement is fair to the communities surrounding the Humbo forest? How might you be able to tell?

2. What role does Africa play in global climate change? What are some of the consequences of developing in an environmentally friendly way versus a more traditional way?

3. Do you think that carbon trading like this should be mandatory in some cases? In which ones?

Monday, November 1, 2010

Africa in the News: "Zimbabwe: Mixed Reaction to Relax Sanctions Call"

Business Day (Johannesburg): "Zimbabwe: Mixed Reaction to Relax Sanctions Call"

Since 2002, Zimbabwe’s government and economy have been under a cloud of sanctions from European Union (EU) and United States (US) governments. These sanctions were imposed in response to alleged human rights abuses and election fraud by President Robert Mugabe and his regime. Since then, the EU has continuously renewed and increased the number of entities included in the sanctions every year. The United States has passed the Zimbabwe Democracy and Recovery Act which orders directors of financial institutions to “oppose and vote against any extension of any loan, credit or guarantee to the Zimbabwean government or any cancellation or reduction of debt.” While there doesn’t seem to be much public objection to the sanctions in the Europe or the US, officials from Zimbabwe’s neighbors, South Africa and Botswana, have called for their termination.

South African President Jacob Zuma told members of the EU parliament that the sanctions imposed on Zimbabwe had not only hurt South Africa’s economy, but stunted Zimbabwe’s ability to work through its political troubles. The current political arrangement in Zimbabwe is a ‘unity government’ where Robert Mugabe’s Zanu-PF party and Morgan Tsvangirai’s Movement for Democratic Change (MDC) share posts, decision making, and responsibility. Zuma and his staff have explained that it has been difficult for the two parties to become unified when one is limited by sanctions and the other is not. He suggests that for the two parties to reconcile and “for the sake of political progression” the sanctions be suspended or completely lifted. Botswana’s President, Ian Khama, an open critic of Mugabe in the past, also urged EU and US governments to lift the sanctions. He cites the economic hardships Zimbabwe has endured as a result of the sanctions and called them “a hindrance ... as the political and economic situation is improving.”

Some officials of the EU government have expressed the potential for “a fresh look” at the sanctions dependent on further political developments. However, others have been more reserved, pointing out the necessity and nature of the sanctions. German Ambassador to Zimbabwe, Albrecht Conze opposes lifting the sanctions based on their specific nature which he says targets only a certain small group of people and cannot be considered a threat to the national economy. Others support the continuance of the sanctions as a matter of principle, justifying the sanctions based on Mugabe’s continued human rights abuses and political schemes which warranted the sanctions in the first place.


1. Do you think the sanctions only hurt targeted individuals or the general public in Zimbabwe? How might you be able to tell?

2. Do you think it is right to have sanctions on one portion of Zimbabwe’s unity government and not on the other? Do you think this inhibits the two party’s ability to work together?

3. Do you think the sanctions are accomplishing their intended effect?

4. Are sanctions an effective way to bring about change? Can you think of a course of action the international community could take to end human rights abuses and promote democracy in Zimbabwe that would be more effective?


The U.S. Treasury Department’s Website on Sanctions in Zimbabwe:

An Article with Commentary on Lifting the Sanctions from The Guardian:

A Voice of America Video on Robert Mugabe’s leadership In Zimbabwe:

Article and Video from the BBC on Gordon Brown’s Response to Calls on Lifting the Sanctions:

A video from ‘Africa Today’ on Lifting the Sanctions: