Monday, March 15, 2010

Join Us Today!

Dear Friend ofThe Africa Society,

Over the past eight years we have educated over 10,000 American students about Africa and in the process we have met manyof you. At every event we hear how much you value our programs. High school student Maddie from Los Angeles, for instance, wrote to us stating, “I love how I get to see the positives of Africa. I pray that this program continues to grow.”

Armed with a camera, we recently hit the streets of Washington,D.C. to ask Americans, “Whad’ya know about Africa?” Although some of their responses were encouraging, most of them had little or no knowledge of the most basic facts. This critical lack of knowledge is precisely why The Africa Society and its mission are not only relevant, but vital – vital to our youth, vital to our country and vital to U.S.-Africa relations. To see a sample of our video, click on the link below.

Although we love what we do, we simply can’t do it alone. We ask that you stand with us TODAY as we continue to revolutionize the way Americans think about and interact with the continent of Africa. Join us in teaching American children, adults, and the world, about Africa.

Donate to Educate About Africa!

Donate to Educate About Africa! With your donation, we will be able to:

- Increase the number of people we caneducate with outstanding (AWARD WINNING) materials
-Educate thousands more students in our TeachAfrica programs across America
-Provide additional training materials and lessonplans for educators to teach “About Africa”
-Continue to host quality programs that informand engage the public
-Continue in our research on the most relevanttopics pertaining to Africa
-Continue providing films showcasing the distinctbeauty of African nations

Thank you so much for your financial support. The AfricaSociety is working tirelessly to let America and the worldknow that Africa truly matters!

Thank you!

Bernadette Paolo

President and CEO

The Africa Society of the National Summit on Africa

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Africa in the News!

Continent's New Oil Hotspots
The power balance in Africa's crude oil production landscape is set to shift in the near future as a number of new oilfields come online. Crude oil has in recent years been discovered in many countries such as Sierra Leone, São Tomé & Príncipe and Ethiopia but it is currently the nations of Ghana and Uganda that are attracting the most attention.

Ex-rebels Accused of Extortion in DR Congo Mines
Former rebels in the Democratic Republic of Congo who now serve in the army are running mafia-style extortion rackets in the mines, campaigners say. The country has some of the world's richest mines, which provide minerals to the global electronics industry. Ex-rebels of the CNDP group are said to have gained far greater control of the mines than they did as insurgents.

Civilians Killed in Somali Fighting
More than 20 civilians have been killed in a second day of intense fighting between Somali government troops and opposition forces in the capital Mogadishu. The deaths occurred after government troops backed by African Union peacekeepers raided a position held by armed opposition in the north of the war-torn capital.

U.S. Envoy Pushes for Darfur Peace Deal before Sudanese Elections
The U.S. special envoy to Sudan warned Wednesday that efforts to bring peace to the country's troubled Darfur region could become less of a priority for the Obama administration if a full-fledged peace agreement is not reached before Sudanese elections scheduled for mid-April.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Save the Date!

The Africa Society of the National Summit on Africa and Travel Channel request your presence for a reception and special screening
His Excellency Abdoulaye Wade
President of the Republic of Senegal
Mr. Tiki Barber
Television Correspondent

For the World Premiere of
Senegal: The President's Tour
Monday, March 22 at 6:00 p.m.

Hosted By: The World Bank
Preston Auditorium
1818 H Street, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20006
(Please enter through the H Street entrance of building to access the Preston Auditorium)
Metro: Farragut West

RSVP to or call 202-232-3862 by March 19

RSVP early as space is limited

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Africa in the News!

Indian Women Peacekeepers Hailed in Liberia
They are trained in sophisticated combat tactics and weaponry, crowd and mob control, counter-insurgency. They patrol the streets of the Liberian capital, expected to keep the peace after years of war.

UN Condemns Gaddafi Jihad Call
The United Nations and European Union have condemned a call from Libya's leader for Muslims to carry out jihad against Switzerland over a recent vote to ban the construction of minarets in the European country.

Rwanda President's Widow Held in France Over Genocide
The widow of former Rwandan President Juvenal Habyarimana, whose assassination triggered the Rwandan genocide, has been arrested in France. Agathe Habyarimana is accused by the current Rwandan government of helping to plan the 1994 genocide, and has long been sought by prosecutors there.

Net Puts Kenya at Centre of Chile Rescue Efforts
Kenya is nearly 12,000km (8,000 miles) from Chile and is therefore perhaps not an obvious place from which to try to coordinate the earthquake relief efforts. And yet, on Saturday, within an hour of the massive quake, volunteers at a crisis group called Ushahidi sprang into action.