Tuesday, July 21, 2009

What's Going On in Africa? July 21, 2009 Edition.

“Somalia: Radicals Loot UN Buildings, Forcing Some Operations to Close” (AllAfrica)

-Al-Shabab militants have stolen equipment and vehicles from two UN facilities in the towns of Wajid and Baidoa, where the international organization has temporarily shut down its operations due to the looting.


“Alarming Africa Male Gay HIV Rate” (BBC News)

-A new report from medical journal The Lancet reveals that in some African countries HIV rates are as much as 10 times higher in gay men than men in the general male population and recommends the redoubling of education efforts among gay men about HIV/AIDS.


“Rwanda: Ex-Governor Convicted for Role in Rwandan Genocide” (The New York Times)

-The former governor of Kigali, Tharcisse Renzaho, has been convicted of five counts of rape, assassination, and genocide by a United Nations tribunal for his role in his country’s 1994 genocide.


“Uganda: Rights Group Protests Indefinite Detentions”-

Human Rights Watch (HRW) has cited the Ugandan government as being in violation of its own constitution by holding five detainees without charges, access to a lawyer, or the possibility of family visitation.
