Friday, August 21, 2009

What's Going on in Africa Today?

Madagascar Power-Sharing Talks to Resume, Doubts Linger (Reuters) Madagascar 's political rivals will meet in Mozambique again next week to discuss how to allocate jobs in a power-sharing government they agreed to set up to end months of turmoil.

China and Congo Change Tack on Deal (Financial Times) China and the Democratic Republic of Congo have agreed to amend the terms of the biggest Chinese investment deal in Africa, which had been blocking Congo's access to much-needed debt relief, the International Monetary Fund has said

Sudan: African-UN Mission Sets Up Unit to Investigate Gender-Based Crimes (UN NEWS)
The police component of the joint African Union-United Nations peacekeeping operation in Darfur has established a special investigations unit to monitor and report on crimes involving sexual and gender-based violence, a prevalent problem in the western Sudanese region.

East Africa: Hague Court Orders Eritrea to Pay Ethiopia for War Damage (Daily Nations) An international panel has ordered both Eritrea and Ethiopia to pay each other damages for the 1989-2000 border war which left more than 80,000 killed

Family Code Gets Nudge, But Women Seek a Push (NY Times) Despite an important reform of Morocco’s family code in 2004, pressed upon a reluctant Parliament by the young king, Muhammad VI, sex outside marriage is not recognized in Morocco, any more than homosexuality is.

UN Marking First Humanitarian Day (BBC) The United Nations is holding its first ever World Humanitarian Day to honor international aid workers

BURKINA FASO: Some parents refuse testing children for HIV (IRIN)
Health authorities estimate that less than 25 percent of HIV-infected children in Burkina Faso who require treatment are taking life-saving drugs while thousands of at-risk children are undiagnosed because their families refuse to have them tested.