Join fellow teachers and students in a live web event Tuesday, December 15, from 10:30-11:30am. The Live Teach Africa Webinar will give participants first-hand insight into Africa, its peoples and cultures. This unique webinar will feature a presentation from Her Excellency Dr. Faida Mitifu, Ambassador from the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) to the United States. Ambassador Mitifu has testified before Congress and speaks at many universities and conferences regarding the resolution of crisis and the peace process that led the DRC to a free election in 2006. Learn more about the many developments taking place in this central African nation, which is home to a diverse population of more than 68 million people.
The webinar will be broadcast live from the Duke Ellington School of the Arts in Washington, D.C. where we will have a live audience of over 140 high school students. Sponsored by USAID, the Discovery Channel Global Education Partnership, The Africa Society of the National Summit on Africa and Discovery Education, this unique online event is an extension of the ExploreAfricaToday.com initiative, which features the AfricaToday documentary series, and is part of the USAID-funded Teach Africa program.
The Teach Africa program showcases the cultures and histories of Africa and underscores the importance of its inclusion in American curricula. One-day Africa immersion forums for more than 3,300 students were held in Atlanta, GA, Houston, TX, and Los Angeles, CA, earlier this year. Teach Africa, launched by The Africa Society in 2002, has previously been implemented in Washington, D.C., Pittsburgh, PA, San Francisco, CA, and Portland, OR.
Be Part of an International Dialogue.
Discover and Explore Africa Today!
Online Webinar
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
10:30-11:30am ET
copy and paste the following URL into a browser:
* The first 15 people to register for and attend the webinar will receive a free DVD.