The Africa Society is currently on location in Dakar, Senegal filming
Senegal: The Presidential Tour, featuring President Abdoulaye Wade and hosted by Mr. Tiki Barber

President Abdoulaye Wade receives President and CEO of The Africa Society, Ms. Bernadette Paolo, in the President's executive office adjacent to the presidential palace.

Concluding the first official interview with President Abdoulaye Wade and Mr. Tiki Biarber in the President’s executive office.
As seen in the photo (from left to right): Papa Mohamed Camara, Ms. Marieme Ba, Mr. Alphousseyni Diamanka, Ms. Bernadette Paolo, President Abdoulaye Wade, Mr. Jomo K. Bellard, Mr. Tiki Barber, Mr. Youssoufa Ba, Ms. Mariemema Drame, and Ms. Tracey Johnson.
Photo Credit: Beyond Productions/Mr. Geff Siberry