(Official White House Photo by Lawrence Jackson)
Energy is contagious. Put 115 Leaders together from the African continent and mix them with top civic, governmental, and business experts working on Africa from America and boom! You’ve got a reaction. You’ve got movement. You’ve got an inspired assembly of people. That is precisely the type of synergistic alliances that formed the core of the President’s Forum with Young African Leaders last week in Washington D.C.
We, at The Africa Society, were honored to receive an invitation from The White House to participate in this important and historic Forum which took place from August 3-5. President Obama and his staff invited dynamic and dedicated youth leaders from 45 countries in Africa to participate in a historic Forum highlighting a partnership between the U.S. and Africa. The goals of the Forum were to learn from the African leaders, while highlighting continued U.S.-Africa partnership through the growth and sustainment of networks between African and American leaders. The men and women represented a range of organizations from such sectors as media, environment, and human rights organizations.
The Forum began with a visit to the State Department introducing the delegates to the power center of America’s foreign policy. Secretary Hillary Clinton and Under-Secretary of State Johnnie Carson spoke to the delegates about the important nature of this Forum and the Administration’s dedication to Africa.
Delegates attended break-out sessions focused on topics concerning Africa. Bernadette Paolo, President and CEO of The Africa Society, moderated the session entitled, “Advocacy: Speaking Truth to Power and Overcoming Obstacles.” The lively interactive session was kicked off with representatives speaking from civil society organizations AED, Oxfam, as well as representatives from Africa.
Bernadette capped the session with a powerful quote from Former President of South Africa, Nelson Mandela, encouraging the delegates to move beyond a fear that can halt progress and to be bold in the endeavors that can lead to the betterment of people within our own communities, country, and world. Mandela once said, “I learned that courage was not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it. The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear.”
Following the visit to the State Department was the much anticipated meeting at The White House with President Barack Obama, which was steamed live on The White House website. Delegates had the opportunity to ask President Obama questions and engage him in a dialogue about the current state of Africa and what the future portends for U.S.-Africa relations. President Obama sees a bright future between the U.S. and Africa stating, “The world needs your talents and your creativity. We want this to be the beginning of a new partnership."
The busy week concluded with the “Unconference” at the Newseum on Thursday, August 5. The “Unconference” offered the opportunity for the delegates to meet the representatives from different sectors working with Africa in Washington DC. With the inherent goal of linking leading agents of change in Africa with those in the U.S., the networking opportunity serves as a catalyst for sustainable partnerships and the growth of ideas. Both Under-Secretary of State, Maria Otero and Judith McHale, spoke on a panel with three delegates about the expectations for this Forum and future plans to sustain the momentum and connections created last week. One such future program is a Forum with Young African Leaders on the continent in early 2011.
As we move forward on this momentous path, The Africa Society will continue to engage Americans about Africa and with Africans. This Forum was a magnificent step towards bringing our country and the continent of Africa closer together. We commend The White House and the State Department for an important Forum highlighting Africa, and the Youth that are leading the charge for a better Africa.