On November 10, 2009, The Africa Society of the National Summit on Africa hosted 130 10th grade students for an educational program at Duke Ellington School of the Arts. Students learned about The Africa Society’s
Teach Africa program and got to view the latest installment of the popular reality series, “Whad’ya Know About Africa?” which is currently being filmed in the D.C. metro area and produced by The Africa Society. Five outstanding students were selected and interviewed by Host and Africa Society staff member, Leila Samara, for the next episode in the series.

President and CEO of The Africa Society, Bernadette Paolo, encouraged students to aspire to greatness and to make Africa a part of their lives, studies, and careers. Ms. Nicole Peacock, Public Affairs Outreach Coordinator of the Office of Public Affairs and Public Diplomacy at the Department of State, was also on hand to speak about the State Department’s work in Africa and the importance of being globally conscious. Ms. Peacock brought and distributed newspapers from Tanzania to offer students further insight into life on the continent. The program concluded with a question and answer session, after which each student received a gift bag with Africa-focused books, DVD’s, a
Teach Africa t-shirt, M&M candies, and a map of the continent.