“What your television shows you about Africa is a tragedy!” This was the contention of the Honorable Dr. Cheikh Tidiane Gadio, former Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Senegal and featured speaker at The Africa Society’s last Ambassador Andrew Young Lecture Series.
Tragic or not, American media coverage of Africa is certainly negatively skewed and ultimately inadequate. To shed light on the lack of information and education available on Africa, The Africa Society has created the film series, Whad’ya Know About Africa, which can be seen at www.youtube.com/africasummit. The host of the series, Africa Society Intern Leila Samara asks residents of Washington D.C., Maryland, and Virginia basic questions about the continent of Africa. The results reveal pervasive, albeit comedic, ignorance. This endemic lack of knowledge is precisely why The Africa Society works so diligently to fulfill its mission of engaging and educating all Americans about the diverse continent of Africa. With your support, The Africa Society is changing the lens through which Americans and people around the globe view Africa and Africans. We ask that you join us as we endeavor to revolutionize the way Americans think about and interact with the continent. Help us teach American children, and the world, about Africa.